I eat the equator, breathe the sky, and carry
The great white sun in the dirt of my fingernails.
- from The Pot Geranium
The great white sun in the dirt of my fingernails.
- from The Pot Geranium
For many years there was a busy cafe on the ground floor of Nicholson's old home. We intend to bring it back, better than ever, in a unique setting which reflects the business of this building when Norman's father Joe ran his gents' outfitters shop from the ground floor while his family lived above the shop. We'll offer good locally-sourced produce combining with an adventurous menu and gorgeous coffee. 'Eat the Equator' takes its name from lines from one of Nicholson's most famous poems. It will become a focal point for locals and a key part of any visitor's experience at Norman Nicholson House.